So how do we really write a business plan? Because it does seem like a lot of work to a nebulous end and that’s never fun or interesting.
Most simply put a business plan needs a handful of elements but certainly does not need to be a long drawn out book. The most common mistake that I see in reviewing, dozens of business plans a month is an unnatural language that is mean to impress. This is absolutely not necessary. Keep it short, simple and directly to the point.
The core and critical elements of a business plan are;
1) What is your business and product?
2) Why and how does it serve a market need?
3) Who is your target market? (Be specific- everyone who likes pizza is not a target market.)
4) How much will it cost to make and sell your product?
5) How will you brand and market your product?
There are plenty of business plan templates for free online but well written and executed business plans are few and far between. I’d recommend starting with a free write to just get it all out there. And from there it can be refined. Give it a shot with the free write then leave me a question about next steps I’d be happy to answer your questions or give you a hand.
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